Saturday, November 27, 2021

Implementing it service management a systematic literature review

Implementing it service management a systematic literature review

implementing it service management a systematic literature review

A systematic review by Reichenpfader et al. [16] found that in 17 studies in the field of implementation science, the term was used imprecisely and inconsistently [16] A systematic literature review (SLR) was chosen as research method as it is a rigorous, robust and transparent method to identify pertinent articles from a large number of publications, and it allows assessing and evaluating existing knowledge (Fink, ; Linnenluecke et al., ) Jan 22,  · To investigate the current state of research on MC in MNCs, a systematic literature review was conducted in line with the guidelines suggested by Tranfield et al. (), who claim to increase the quality and transparency of such reviews by applying a systematic procedure of searching and selecting relevant the first step, the topic and corresponding keywords were defined by

An Overview of Chronic Disease Models: A Systematic Literature Review

Systematic Reviews volume 9Article number: 40 Cite this article. Metrics details, implementing it service management a systematic literature review. Nurses make up the largest constituent of the health workforce.

A well-implemented performance management PM system can be a valuable asset in ensuring that nurses are motivated, promoted, trained and rewarded appropriately. Despite the significant benefits of effective PM such as improved motivation, job implementing it service management a systematic literature review and morale, PM systems are highly contested. Therefore, it is important to examine evidence on PM methods and practices in order to understand its consequences among nursing professionals in primary health care PHC settings.

The search strategy of this systematic scoping review will involve various electronic databases which include Academic Search CompletePsycARTICLES. PsycINFOCumulative Index to Nursing and Applied Health LiteratureMedline and Cochrane Library from the EbsocHost Database Platform. Electronic databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar, Union catalogue of theses and dissertations via SABINET online and WorldCat dissertations will be incorporated.

A grey literature search will be conducted on websites such as the World Health Organization and government websites to find relevant policies and guidelines. The period for implementing it service management a systematic literature review search is from to This time period was chosen to coincide with the Declaration of Alma-Ata on PHC adopted in All references will be exported to Endnote library.

Two independent reviewers will begin screening for eligible titles, abstracts and full articles. During title and abstract screening, duplicates will be removed. The Mixed Method Appraisal Tool will determine the quality of included studies.

Thematic analysis will be used to analyse the included articles. We hope to expose knowledge gaps and inform future research. Peer Review reports. Growing health challenges have placed pressure on health management to monitor and evaluate human resource for health HRH in an effort to strengthen health systems response to evolving health challenges [ 1 ].

One such challenge is chronic conditions. Chronic conditions present the largest public health challenge of the twenty-first century [ 2 ]. The number of people that require daily health care is rapidly growing, and it is projected that NCDs will continue to increase at a higher rate in lower-socio economic groups [ 2 ].

This has created a need for NCDs surveillance, prevention and control [ 3 ]. If not managed appropriately, chronic multiple NCDs will become the most expensive problem faced by health care systems globally [ 3 ]. This has resulted in the need for the re-organisation of health care systems to cater for chronic conditions, with people-centred care identified as the optimal approach to cater for multimorbid chronic conditions [ 4 ]. Noticeably, the ability of a country to strengthen its health system in order to meet its health goals depends largely on its human capital [ 5 ].

Quality health care refers to services that consistently deliver care that improves or maintains health, is valued and trusted by recipients and is responsive to changing population needs [ 56 ], with people-centred services identified as central to this endeavour globally given the changing disease profile towards chronic multimorbidity see Table 1 for definition of quality care.

In order to achieve the above, the health workforce must possess the knowledge, skills, motivation and preparedness to engage in actions with the primary intent to improve the provision of quality health services for people-centred services. Therefore, it is of vital importance that health workers are motivated and supported with the relevant capacities, thereby ensuring that they significantly contribute to attaining health objectives set nationally and globally [ 67 ].

One of the key human resource HR processes used to facilitate training and motivation of any workforce is a performance management PM system. PM is described as a continuous process to identify, measure and improve the performance of individuals, teams and organisation, which involves aligning performance activities with the strategic goals of the organisation [ 7 ].

An important component of a PM system is performance appraisal PA. PA refers to the formal process of assessing performance at work. PA is also sometimes referred to as performance review [ 9 ]. Accordingly, PA is a necessary component of PM systems.

Some researchers argue that due to previous research not distinguishing between these two concepts, these terms are generally used interchangeably [ 910 ]. This study will do the same. Administratively, PM provides essential information to help managers take important decisions regarding salary increments, promotions and rewards [ 12 ].

The developmental function is facilitated through the provision of feedback on evaluated performance.

Through the feedback mechanism, remedial action and steps to improve performance should be discussed. This presents an opportunity for managers to coach employees and aid improvement in performance on an ongoing basis [ 13 ], implementing it service management a systematic literature review. In order to re-configure health care systems to support people-centred care for chronic multimorbid conditions, there is a need to initially identify methods and practices that promote effective PM that can be harnessed to this end [ 14 ].

Methods refer to standard processes and procedures used by a PM system this is usually prescribed by policy. Practices refer to the formal and informal application or execution of ideas, beliefs and methods. Such re-configured systems require a focus on training, motivation and readiness of health professionals who are at the forefront of facilitating changes in health care best practices, such as nursing staff who constitute the largest sector of health workers across the globe [ 15 ] see Table 1 for definitions of PM methods and practices.

As an important managerial tool, PM systems are a critical tool for facilitating health system reforms as they determine if health workers are working diligently, trained appropriately and adequately rewarded for providing quality health care interventions in line with the health systems reforms [ 16 ].

PM systems are generally housed as part of role of human resource management HRMwithin the health care sector. The benefits of HRM practices to employee well-being and improved health outcomes have become a topical discussion among human resource practitioners and health care systems researchers around the world [ 17 ]. However, the impact of PM systems in health care settings has not received as much attention. While the nature of each health system and the use of HRM differ depending on national context, regardless of the context, it has become evident across national settings that HR is crucial in terms of its impact on patient outcomes and health care expenditures [ 18 ].

In order to determine how current health care delivery and reforms in health care systems may fully utilise HRM processes and systems such as a PM system to improve quality health care for people-centred care and promote better health outcomes [ 19 ], there is a need to initially examine evidence on PM methods and practices, as well as its consequences on the delivery of quality care among nurses in PHC settings. These factors have an impact on patient care and the provision of quality service delivery.

Generally, there is a limited understanding of how a PM system impacts on managing health workers, more specifically nurses and how it may be used to improve care delivery and ultimately patient outcomes. Their argument is that a PM system is one of the most important components of HRM, implementing it service management a systematic literature review.

It provides justifications for decisions regarding recruitment and selection, training and development needs of existing employees and how to optimise the quality of work and efficiency within individual health care centres as well as the health system in general [ 18 ]. Accordingly, a poorly implemented PM system can be detrimental to staff morale, overall job satisfaction and result in high staff turnover rates [ 2021 ]. The extent to which this has been investigated in health care settings is not clear.

Some experts have varying opinions and approaches to PM systems that may add to HRM outcomes and quality of care [ 22 ]. Consequently, there is a need to review what is available on this topic for the purpose of creating a greater understanding of PM systems, implementing it service management a systematic literature review, as well as to identify knowledge gaps and providing recommendations on how future research may fill these gaps.

This review offers a broad overview of managing the performance of nurses working at various PHC settings. In addition, it provides an analysis of international methods and practices used to manage nurses. From these methods, it is possible to identify best practices for suitable PM approaches.

The review of primary research has gained popularity, as implementing it service management a systematic literature review practices gain recognition as a benchmark for care and primary research sources continue to grow [ 23 ]. A scoping review is implementing it service management a systematic literature review as a relatively new method for reviewing literature, with the first such framework published in This method of literature review is an advantage for synthesising research evidence and mapping existing literature in a given field in terms of its prevalence and key features.

We will conduct a systematic scoping review of grey and peer-reviewed literature on PM and its influence on quality of care among nurses in PHC settings. The recommendations of Levac et al. What is the existing evidence on the influence of PM methods and practices on quality of care among nurses in PHC? What are the key gaps in literature on implementing it service management a systematic literature review contribution of effective PM on quality of care among nurses in PHC settings?

The study will use the broad population, concept and context PCC framework recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute for Scoping Reviews [ 2728 ]. The design of the search strategy will be underpinned by a key inclusion criteria see Table 2. The PCC framework to determine the research questions is illustrated in Fig. We will identify relevant studies by conducting a comprehensive search on the following electronic databases: Academic Search CompletePsycARTICLES.

PsycINFOCumulative Index to Nursing and Applied Health Literature CINAHLMedlineCochrane Library and PubMed. Literature will include published peer-reviewed journal articles with primary studies which have a transparent empirical base utilising qualitative, quantitative and mixed method research design and grey literature addressing the research questions.

To achieve a comprehensive search, websites such as the WHO and governmental websites will be used to gather policies and guidelines on PM for the respective health care sectors. Databases such as Google ScholarUnion Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations UCTD via SABINET Online and WorldCat Dissertations and Theses via OCLO will also be used to find relevant literature. A hand search through the main published texts used in PM systems and its outcomes will also be conducted.

The search terms will include Nurse OR Nurse Practitioners OR Registered Nurse AND, Performance Management OR Performance Appraisal OR Performance Review OR Performance Management implementing it service management a systematic literature review Appraisal Systems AND Primary Health Care or Clinics.

This search strategy was piloted to check the suitability of selected electronic databases and key words see Table 2, implementing it service management a systematic literature review. Following the keyword search, relevant citations must be selected through title, abstract and full-text screening.

The study selection process involves the elimination of studies that do not address the main research question. Developing an inclusion and exclusion criteria at the outset of the study ensures there are clear guidelines enforced, so each researcher is consistent in decision-making on the relevance for each citation [ 25 ]. An inclusion and exclusion criteria reduce the risk of bias in the review, thereby minimising the risk of error and promoting credibility of the findings. In Table 3implementing it service management a systematic literature review, information is provided about the implementing it service management a systematic literature review and exclusion criteria that will be adhered to.

The primary investigator CZM will conduct a comprehensive database search and screen titles from the previously mentioned databases with the assistance from a senior librarian at the University of KwaZulu-Natal UKZN library services to assist with the search. All references screened will be exported to the Endnote library; title and abstract screening will be conducted.

Once the initial screening is completed, implementing it service management a systematic literature review, eligible references are kept, and duplicates will be removed. The full text of eligible abstracts will be retrieved. To optimise the implementing it service management a systematic literature review article search procedure, the reviewers will further consult with the librarian to assist with locating and retrieving articles that will be included in the full article screening.

In cases where the reviewers are unable to retrieve the articles from the databases, implementing it service management a systematic literature review, a request will be lodged with the relevant authors.

Two reviewers CZM and TS will discuss eligible and ineligible studies to identify if there are any discrepancies [ 27 ]. Implementing it service management a systematic literature review the reviewers be unable to resolve disagreements through discussion, a third reviewer will be consulted TPM-T.

The screening results will be reported accordingly using the PRISMA chart as depicted in Fig. Example of PRISMA-ScR chart. The process of extracting data aims to generate a descriptive summary of the results that corresponds to the aim and research question of the scoping review at hand.

A draft data charting table see Table 4 has been developed to facilitate the collection and sorting of key pieces of information from articles that have made the selection [ 32 ].

A data charting form, highlighting the important aspects for the study will be developed and piloted.


, time: 2:16:33

implementing it service management a systematic literature review

A Review of Time Management Literature. February ; Personnel Review 36(2) (social service agencies, in a systematic manner may help to improve current time management training Feb 21,  · Systematic scoping review. We will conduct a systematic scoping review of grey and peer-reviewed literature on PM and its influence on quality of care among nurses in PHC settings. The review will be guided by the Arksey and O’Malley’s scoping review framework, which outlines the following steps: Stage 1. Identifying the research question May 11,  · Limitations of this systematic review included: (1) a truncated five-step realist review process in which we were unable to contact authors of all studies chosen for inclusion in the review to gather additional information about implementation context, mechanisms, and outcomes; (2) little description of our efforts to engage in knowledge

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