Oct 04, · Changes in leadership may also have a positive influence on employee satisfaction and performance. In a study of how change-oriented leadership affects employee satisfaction and performance, Angel, Alcover, Rico, and Gil () found a positive relationship between employees’ motivation and how leaders manage existing changes. KhaliqAuthor: Katrina Franklin This dissertation study aimed to reveal the impact of leadership on transformational change in organisations. A number of objectives and hypotheses were established in earlier sections to approach this problem from several aspects In this paper, we present the impact of leadership and change management strategy on organizational culture. At first, we present the notion of culture. dissertation, University of Manchester
Strong Dissertation Topics: Leadership And Change Management
Written by Steve S. While these classical concepts assume that organisational transformations occur in a planned and predictable manner, the majority of challenges faced by modern businesses are emergent and urgent in their nature.
It was noted by Viswanathan and Lalp. As the external environment cannot guarantee long-term stability anymore, the readiness for constant transformation becomes a valuable competitive advantage.
The proponents of this approach are Google, Facebook, Apple, and other highly innovative businesses that largely defined the ideas of a transformational organisation. However, a large part of their success may be attributed to dissertation leadership change leadership styles and practices utilised by their leaders. Leadership theories have been in development since the early days of humanity with the first of them being based on military leaders and the traits used by them to govern their troops Kovach,p.
At the same time, many of these concepts such as the Great Man idea and other traits-based frameworks were later discarded dissertation leadership change researchers.
Transformational changes could be viewed as one of the reasons for this new vision because modern leaders have to face highly diverse challenges and contingency situations Uzohue et al. Hence, a single skill or set of skills is insufficient for these problems and leadership is viewed as a developmental dissertation leadership change of its own. However, leaders skilled in multiple styles are usually found in large and well-known organisations such as the ones mentioned earlier Vidal et al, dissertation leadership change.
While they were clearly capable of guiding them through major transformational changes, it is not evident if these practices can be used by small and medium organisations SMEs with equal effectiveness.
This dissertation seeks to address this research gap and explore the impact of leadership practices utilised by UK-based SMEs on the transformational changes of these companies. According to the CIPDp. This dissertation leadership change included organisations from a variety dissertation leadership change industries, which indicates that transformational changes are a modern day reality for the majority of modern companies. Besides technological and customer-based incentives for change, there also exist economic reasons caused by Brexit that may be hard to predict Gordon,p.
Small and medium enterprises were reported to suffer from uncertainty and experience greater stress than major and dissertation leadership change enterprises.
This situation creates ambiguity and suggests that a lot of organisations can face the need for substantial change in their organisations to address the arising challenges in the external environment. Therefore, British SMEs can benefit from practical recommendations on improving the outcomes of future transformational changes that are almost inevitable in the current economic and political situation.
The aim of this dissertation is to explore how leadership can aid British SMEs in improving the efficiency of transformational changes. It is expected that this dissertation will provide valuable recommendations to small and medium UK businesses that will improve the effectiveness of their transformational change management. Recommendations on improving transformational change outcomes through effective leadership practices will be valuable to organisational leaders who want to improve their change management skills.
The findings will be especially valuable to practitioners in the UK context due to the current economic situation that can require substantial transformational changes in UK SMEs. It is expected that this dissertation study will uncover the relevance of specific leadership practices in the UK context and will formulate practical recommendations for leaders in UK SMEs.
Its findings may be different from the findings of other researchers due to the uniqueness of the current economic situation and the focus on small and medium companies that usually have moderate resources.
However, dissertation leadership change can also limit the generalisability of the findings and the applicability of recommendations in this study to companies with larger sizes or companies located in different geographical regions. Leadership dissertation leadership change and styles, leadership practices, transformational change in organisations and contemporary evidence on the association of leadership practices and transformational change will be analysed at the Literature Review level.
The need to analyse primary data from the UK context dissertation leadership change address the formulated aim and research objectives, substantiated the need to dissertation leadership change available methodological instruments such as approaches, strategies, and philosophies, dissertation leadership change.
The most effective data collection and analysis practices will be identified in the Methodology section, dissertation leadership change.
Afterwards, the collected questionnaire survey forms studying leadership practices in UK SMEs and their impact on transformational changes will be explored in-depth at the level of the Analysis chapter. Finally, actual results of the graphical and statistical analyses will be discussed, summarised and presented in the final section.
It will also contain practical recommendations to small and medium UK businesses on how to develop dissertation leadership change transformational cultures through leadership practices. The necessity to analyse the role of leadership in stimulating and sustaining transformational change in organisations suggests that leadership and organisational change should be analysed in isolation in this chapter.
It is necessary to establish specific practices that constitute leadership and the characteristics that dissertation leadership change organisational change as transformational.
These variables will be linked and analysed further in this dissertation. Leadership theories can be subdivided into four primary categories, namely trait theories, behavioural theories, contingency theories and power and influence theories Lussier and Achua,p. Trait theories suggest that leadership qualities are innate and leaders possess specific and unique characteristics that directly influence the quality of their leadership and cannot be developed.
Contingency theories act as a holistic approach rationalising the choice of a specific leadership behaviour depending on a particular business and organisational situation. Contingency theories are often discarded by modern researchers due to the great degree of competence and adaptability required from a leader Caroll et al, dissertation leadership change.
However, they are extremely powerful from the point of view of organisational culture and transformational change. Modern business environment is associated with frequent changes Lindsey,p. Finally, power and influence theories emphasise the sources of personal power like professional expertise or industry connections as key leadership instruments Jex and Britt,p, dissertation leadership change. Leadership styles are associated with primary patterns of practices and approaches selected by a specific leader.
That said, the contingency theory dissertation leadership change that modern leaders can be selective in their choice of practices and avoid adhering to a single style Nitin and Khurana,p. Kurt Lewin identified autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles Harvey,p. However, dissertation leadership change, this differentiation is based on decision-making patterns primarily, which can limit the generalisability of this approach to modern multi-faceted leadership backgrounds.
Autocratic leaders ignore the input of their team members in decision-making, democratic leaders consult them to make better and more balanced decisions while laissez-faire leaders empower their team members giving dissertation leadership change greater control over individual decision-making and work planning. The laissez-faire leadership style is often reported to improve organisational cohesion, functioning and self-discipline through employee empowerment Mann,p.
Finally, researchers identify such leadership styles as charismatic leadership, transformational leadership and transactional leadership Roe,p. These styles can be attributed to the previously discussed leadership theories where charismatic qualities are a prerequisite for effective autocratic leadership dissertation leadership change transactional leadership is based on some sources of power and influence to negotiate with team members Allwood and Selart,dissertation leadership change, p.
It is considered one of the most effective leadership styles by Arslan et al. That said, dissertation leadership change, Allwood and Selartp, dissertation leadership change. Modern research studies mainly focus on laissez-faire, dissertation leadership change, transformational and transactional leadership styles due to the fact that these styles shift the focus from some innate traits towards specific practices or stimuli that can be analysed and emulated Hicks,p.
This substantiates the dissertation leadership change of these practices in this research study that aims to provide practical recommendations and suggestions on improving transformational change outcomes to all British SMEs. The findings of Khan and Nawazp, dissertation leadership change. According to these researchers, the majority of employee resistance problems could be addressed through properly utilised motivators or the gradual development of a transformational culture.
At the same time, the majority of the above-mentioned studies emphasised the problem of long-term and short-term planning perspective. In many cases, the pressure to achieve the desired change outcomes does not allow leaders to adhere to the transformational style or utilise the practices that do not have an instant impact on the challenging situation Al-Malki and Juan,p, dissertation leadership change.
This forces leaders to use autocratic leadership for addressing the most pressing issues. Unfortunately, this quick success frequently convinces them that this style is sustainable dissertation leadership change makes them ignore the adverse consequences of its application in the strategic perspective.
These controversies further support the suggestions of Roep. While this strategy may be highly difficult to realise, the knowledge of multiple leadership styles and practices can make a leader substantially more flexible and knowledgeable. For transformational changes, this may provide for maximal productivity where the main strategic vision can be based on transformational leadership with temporary inclusions of autocratic or transactional instruments for issues with short deadlines.
Modern leaders dissertation leadership change act as the driving force behind transformational changes in contemporary organisations Lindsey,p. To initiate and support these changes, they often rely on such leadership practices as delegation, vision, strategic thinking, communication and networking. Vision is a highly important leadership practice that can determine goal-setting, decision-making and prioritisation.
These activities can be perceived as strategic thinking and communication. At the same time, delegation can be perceived as a form of shared leadership Douglas,p. It can manifest itself in the form of specific tasks and specific roles assigned to several leaders responsible for different areas. Such practice can be highly effective in large organisations that often span over several countries and industries and cannot be effectively controlled by a single dissertation leadership change. Hazy and Uhl-Bienp.
Generative practices were aimed at developing the vision of the desired dissertation leadership change. Administrative and community-building practices were focused on developing, sustaining and administrating the organisational state that was most suitable for the change and the future state of involved organisations. The significance of developing a learning organisation for facilitating transformational changes was also confirmed by Burns et al.
Otherwise, community-building could be ineffective Burns et al. An important leadership practice mentioned by Chreimp. In many cases, dissertation leadership change, organisational configurations could change with time and leaders could be granted more or less power in organisations.
They can also be replaced or retire. Therefore, leadership must be sustainable and adaptive in terms of creating a set of principles for organisational functioning and avoiding over-reliance on a single person, like in the case of autocratic leadership. This point of view was supported by Raelinp. The findings of Noor and Dzulkiflip. However, this qualitative study was focused on the agricultural sector of Malaysia, which can limit its generalisability to other contexts.
One more leadership practice from the educational context was suggested by Naicker et al. Instructional leadership involved defining the mission, promoting positive organisational climate, dissertation leadership change, dissertation leadership change organisational activities and assessing them. This practice could be effectively applied to organisations taking into account the ideas of Hazy and Uhl-Bienp. Therefore, developing clearly outlined instructions can assist organisations in managing and sustaining transformational changes.
Sustainable leadership practices were further analysed by Suriyankietkaew and Averyp, dissertation leadership change. Their analysis included such practices as personnel development, staff retention, succession planning, long-term vision, supporting ethical behaviour, supporting organisational change processes, self-management promotion, team empowerment, knowledge-sharing, developing trust-based organisational climate and promoting organisational values at employee- and team-level. It was discovered that these leadership practices have a positive influence on organisational financial performance Suriyankietkaew and Avery,p.
However, the above-discussed studies did not analyse the impact of these practices on transformational change effectiveness, which creates a research gap that will be closed by this dissertation. Pechp. This supports the sustainable leadership practices analysed by Hazy and Uhl-Bienp. However, this suggestion needs to be verified in the practical part of this research study. Additionally, effective crisis situation management is highly significant for transformational changes considering the ideas of Cranp.
However, Belias and Kousteliosp. They also emphasised the dissertation leadership change of vision as the most powerful leadership practice for transformational change management, dissertation leadership change.
Zhu and Jonesp. Proactive and reactive qualities describe the voluntary or involuntary nature of a change while re-orientation or re-creation are responsible for outlining the degree of organisational change. That said, only two types of change were perceived by Zhu and Jonesp.
2017 Outstanding Dissertation: Joseph Williams, Ed.D.
, time: 17:13A list of dissertation topics on leadership and change management. Writing a dissertation is one of the requirements that will be required of you before you can be awarded an undergraduate degree, Masters or even a postgraduate degree. Therefore, the choice of topic will be one of the important considerations that you will need to make Oct 04, · Changes in leadership may also have a positive influence on employee satisfaction and performance. In a study of how change-oriented leadership affects employee satisfaction and performance, Angel, Alcover, Rico, and Gil () found a positive relationship between employees’ motivation and how leaders manage existing changes. KhaliqAuthor: Katrina Franklin This dissertation study aimed to reveal the impact of leadership on transformational change in organisations. A number of objectives and hypotheses were established in earlier sections to approach this problem from several aspects
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