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Choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation

Choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation

choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation

Sep 07,  · Choosing a Theoretical Framework: Popular Theories for Dissertation Research Self-Determination Theory. Deci and Ryan’s () self-determination theory is a very common choice for the theoretical Social Cognitive Theory. Another very popular theory Apr 24,  · Choosing a Theoretical Framework. 24th April Without a theoretical framework, your dissertation can read as unfocused and unmoored – as if you’re floundering for rationale, or are lost within your research, without a clear path. It’s important to have a strong theoretical framework because it’s the blueprint, or skeleton, of the paper The theoretical framework is the most difficult part of the dissertation to create. A theoretical framework comprises of ideas; their definitions, and existing theory/hypotheses, that are utilized for your specific study. The theoretical framework should show a comprehension of hypotheses and ideas that apply to the subject of your research

Theoretical Framework for Dissertation- What and How - Research Prospect

One of the most important steps in choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation development for your dissertation is picking out a theory or theories that will help to create the theoretical framework for your study.

Because this is such a crucial and yet tricky task, our quantitative and qualitative research methods experts often help with this step when collaborating with our dissertation consulting clients on developing their research topics. Whether you are using your framework to develop a qualitative research interview protocol or to frame a study using statistical analysis of pertinent variables, the theoretical lens for your dissertation needs to be chosen carefully.

This is because it has to provide a suitable explanatory structure, connecting the problempurpose, research questions, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, and data collection instruments. Making a poor choice of theory for this purpose can result in having to do major rewrites to your proposal down the road shudder! Keep in mind that we can definitely help with this crucial early decision in your dissertation or thesis writing process. To help you start thinking over this decision for your dissertation, this article will provide a handful of possibilities for your theoretical framework.

But, this should at least get you started thinking about some possibilities. Competence refers to our sense that we are capable of accomplishing specific tasks, and autonomy is the feeling that we have control and choice. Our sense of relatedness refers to the perception that we have meaningful social relationships.

Choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation of our dissertation consulting clients are interested in examining intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation, which develop in relation to different experiences of need satisfaction.

When we feel intrinsic motivation, we have a sense of pleasure, interest in, and enjoyment of the activity. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation comes about when we receive outside incentives to engage in certain actions. Because self-determination theory deals with basic psychological needs, we find when working with our dissertation consulting clients that it is widely applicable across many different topics in the social sciences.

Self-determination theory can help to explain different forms of motivation, which makes it useful in dissertations that focus centrally on how motivation is shaped in arenas such as school or the workplace. Furthermore, the experience of self-determination has been associated with a variety of physical and psychological health outcomes, which makes it a great choice for examinations of conditions that influence health.

Our dissertation assistance clients have used self-determination theory to frame studies on diverse topics ranging from a statistical analysis of predictors of motivation among call center workers to a qualitative research exploration of conditions perceived to influence psychological well being in congregate care facilities. The theory can help with explaining how behaviors develop, and one of the key tenets of social cognitive theory is that we learn behaviors through our observations of other people.

This is not to say that we imitate every single behavior we observe indiscriminately, though. Our dissertation consulting clients who are interested in how powerful people exert influence often love this theory, as Bandura posited that we are much more likely to imitate behavior when we observe others who are perceived as having elevated power or status modeling the behavior.

This is especially so in the case of vicarious reinforcement, which is when the model is rewarded in some way for the behavior. If we see that certain behaviors elicit negative outcomes, however, we might avoid those behaviors due to the expectation that we would also be penalized for them. Our dissertation consulting clients have used social cognitive theory to frame qualitative analysis of influences on aggressive behavior in youths, statistical analysis of the predictors of self-efficacy in novice teachers, and qualitative research exploring the influence of social relationships on health behaviors.

As children interact with their environments, they are exposed to a variety of influences that Bronfenbrenner conceptualized as nested spheres that radiate outward from proximal to distal.

For example, the most immediate and influential social circle i. Beyond the mesosystem is the exosystem, which includes influences such as the media, government systems, and extended family.

The macrosystem is even more distal and includes influences such as cultural narratives and societal ideals. Ecological systems theory choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation a favorite among our dissertation assistance clients who are studying education or human development, as it choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation to so many important aspects of growth and development for children and youths. It lends itself well to qualitative research explorations of student, parent, or educator perceptions on child development as well as to statistical choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation of the impact of variables e.

In this theory, Tinto proposed that students have a collection choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation personal characteristics that exert influence over their commitment to their higher education institutions.

Some of these factors reside at the individual level, such as gender, race, and age. Background factors like socioeconomic level and previous achievement in academics can also come into play. Beyond these factors, Tinto posited that the degree to which the student feels a sense of social and academic integration can affect their sense of commitment to the college or university. This choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation that feeling a greater sense of social and academic integration can help to support academic persistence, thus resulting in higher retention rates Tinto, Validated survey instruments derived from this theory make it a useful choice for quantitative studies involving statistical analysis of factors related to persistence and retention.

And, it makes a great lens through which to explore student perspectives on their experiences of integration and persistence using a qualitative research and analysis choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation. Another favorite of our dissertation assistance clients in higher education is adult learning theory. There are six key dimensions to adult learning Knowles, :.

One of the great things about this theory is its broad application—it applies to adult learning across many contexts. This makes it a popular theory among our dissertation consulting clients conducting research in a variety of fields.

For example, the theory might frame a qualitative research exploration of adult learning in traditional university settings while also serving quite well as the guiding framework in a statistical analysis of factors associated with learning a new enterprise resource planning system in the workplace. Transformative learning, then, describes the processes that change the ways that an adult thinks about and interacts with the world around them.

Transformative learning may happen spontaneously or as the result of formal education or training Taylor, This makes the theory applicable when investigating such learning as the result of classroom or workplace instruction, but it also can help to frame inquiry into transformation as the result of personal experiences or everyday events. Among our dissertation consulting clients who wish to take a statistical analysis approach to the study of leadership, one of the most widely used leadership theories for frameworks is transformational leadership theory.

The roots of this theory lie in the work of Burnswho conceptualized transforming leadership as an approach that inspired employee performance through appeals to their values and morality.

These four dimensions of transformational leadership are a intellectual stimulation, b charisma or idealized influence, c inspirational motivation, and d individualized consideration Avolio et al. The associated Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ is a frequently used tool in the statistical analysis of workplace predictors or outcomes that are associated with transformational leadership. However, the dimensions of transformational leadership often create intriguing lenses through which to explore workplace phenomena through a qualitative research perspective.

The job demands-resources model JD-R is a popular choice of framework for our dissertation assistance clients who are conducting quantitative or qualitative research on the workplace. These might include such factors as physical demands, emotional demands, work pressure, workload, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, role conflict, and role ambiguity.

On the other hand, job resources can function to relieve or lessen stress for workers. The availability of validated survey instruments for the JD-R model make it a great choice to frame statistical analysis of variables that are related to job demands and resources. For example, job demands and resources may derive from organizational features such as justice or culture, or they may be predictive of outcomes such as employee performance and well being.

Diffusion of innovations is a theory that was developed by Rogerschoosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, and it continues to occupy a very useful role as a theoretical framework for our dissertation consulting clients in fields from information technology to business management and leadership.

This theory can help to frame studies that focus on how different types of innovations are embraced. A core underlying assumption of the theory is that information related to new innovations diffuses choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation communication channels in a social system over the course of time. Although we often think of technologies when we think of innovations, an innovation can really be any practice or idea that is viewed as novel or new by people and that induces a sense of uncertainty.

This might include technologies, but it might also include things like new practices or policies within formal or informal organizations. According to Rogersthere are five factors that influence the rate of adoption of a new innovation: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability.

According to the theory, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, these five factors generally influence how quickly a new innovation is accepted and adopted.

Additionally, though, different people tend to respond to innovations with varying degrees of acceptance, and their communication amongst one another may also influence how quickly any given group adopts a new innovation. Rogers proposed distinct categories related to openness to innovations.

Innovators are the most willing to adopt new innovations, followed by early adopters and then early majority. Those who are more reluctant generally to accept new innovations fall into the late majority and laggard categories. These are people who need a lot of help to accept new innovations, and they tend to do so only after the people surrounding them have successfully adopted the innovation.

Finally, a big favorite among our dissertation assistance clients who are conducting research on technology adoption is the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology UTAUT.

It was formulated by Venkatesh et al. The updated version of the theory, UTAUT2, still includes the dimensions from the first version of the theory i. To tailor UTAUT2 to the consumer population, the authors added dimensions of price value, hedonic motivation, and experience or habit Venkatesh et al. There are seven dimensions of UTAUT2 that correspond with expectations and perceptions related to the use choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation a specific technology Venkatesh et al.

These are:. Our dissertation consulting clients have made great use of the UTAUT2 survey to guide statistical analysis of technology acceptance and choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation variables across technologies that range from learning management systems to smart devices.

Shaping qualitative research data collection around the various dimensions of UTAUT2 can also yield rich insights into the thinking and reasoning behind technology resistance or acceptance. A great example of this is a qualitative analysis that explored perceptions of social influence with regard to ride sharing services, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation.

Because your guiding theory ties your whole study together within an explanatory framework, it is important to choose wisely as you develop this vital piece of your research topic, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation. If you are choosing a quantitative method for your dissertation, many theories have associated survey instruments that can help to ensure that your data collection and statistical analysis align well with your framework.

For qualitative researchit is important to develop data collection instruments e. If you would like help with these essential choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation for creating alignment, our dissertation coaches are happy to provide guidance during your topic development process. Avolio, B. Re-examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership.

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology72 4choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, Bakker, A. The job demands-resources model: State of the art. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22 3 Bandura, A. Social learning theory. Prentice Hall. Bass, B. Leadership and performance beyond expectations. Free Press.

From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics18 3 Bronfenbrenner, U. Toward an experimental ecology of human development. American Psychologist, 32 7 Burns, choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation, J. Harper and Row. Deci, E.

Searching, Choosing and applying a theory in research /theoretical framework for dissertation

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Choosing a Theoretical Framework: Popular Theories for Dissertation Research – blog @ precision

choosing a theoretical framework for dissertation

The theoretical framework is the most difficult part of the dissertation to create. A theoretical framework comprises of ideas; their definitions, and existing theory/hypotheses, that are utilized for your specific study. The theoretical framework should show a comprehension of hypotheses and ideas that apply to the subject of your research Aug 13,  · Content for Theoretical Framework. Your theoretical framework of a dissertation should incorporate existing theories that are relevant to your study. It will also include defining the terms mentioned in the hypothesis, research questions, and problem statement. All these concepts should be clearly identified as the first step. Theoretical Framework GoalsEstimated Reading Time: 6 mins Sep 07,  · Choosing a Theoretical Framework: Popular Theories for Dissertation Research Self-Determination Theory. Deci and Ryan’s () self-determination theory is a very common choice for the theoretical Social Cognitive Theory. Another very popular theory

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