CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND CONSUMER LOYALTY 5 include definitions, instrumentation, sampling, data collection, hypotheses, discussion of the data, conclusion as well as the references of the study. Literature Review “Regarding the competitive environment, there is a need for banks to plan their strategies that will differentiate them from another This paper is based on extensive literature review and attempts to investigate how the concepts and determinants of customer satisfaction has changed significantly during the transition from It covers customer satisfaction concepts, theories and models, service quality concepts and models and customer behavioural intentions referral concepts and models. Definition of Service Services are deeds, performances and processes provided or coproduced by one entity or person for and with another entity or person (Zeithaml et al, )
Literature Review: Examples, Outline, Format | EssayPro
Citation Download PDF. Journal of International Business Research and Marketing Volume 3, Issue 3, MarchPages DOI: Abstract: The present research is a literature review of the leadership styles and its effectiveness within the organization team-building, a literature review on customer satisfaction. Specifically, this paper tries to review the literature in the sphere of job performance focusing on the leadership styles. Both leadership types and styles had been reviewed a literature review on customer satisfaction relation to the productivity in the organization along with the role stressors and role ambiguity.
Additionally, literature review explores the concepts of role stressors such as role ambiguity and role conflict, a literature review on customer satisfaction, which are often found as the most important source of job dissatisfaction and poor job performance. Understanding the nature of role stressors and potential sources which may cause them to will help organizations to take control of managing role stressors.
Also, it was found that the relationship between job performance and job cooperation was somewhat controversial in the literature. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of different leadership styles and assess their impact on resolving different organizational problems. leadership literature review. Keywords: Leadership styles, Leadership types, Job performance, Role ambiguity, Role conflict.
Leadership Styles and Job Performance: a Literature Review, a literature review on customer satisfaction. For the last two decades, the critical importance of the team effectiveness has been considered as the main aim of the many papers.
The process of managing teams and ensuring their effectiveness requires the presence of the leader who can motivate and provide a vision for their subordinates. Leaders are believed to set smart goals for the subordinates and empower them enough to achieve the organizational goals.
The research sphere which is focused on analyzing the influence of leaders to manage the effectiveness of the teams can be regarded as one of the most developing areas, a literature review on customer satisfaction.
The role of leaders is regarded as the critical tools for the team members. The reason is a literature review on customer satisfaction leaders play a vital role in formulating collective norms, assisting the team members to face and resolve the challenges arisen in the team environment. The critical importance of leaders on team member resulted in the creation new ways based on which leaders can provide value for the members of the team.
The managing style of the leaders is essential to the success of the teamwork. In many cases, leaders are not aware of the main needs and wants of their subordinates, or they fail to understand the difference between the individuals involved in the team.
As a result, due to the various issues that were not identified in time among team members result in the decreasing productivity of team members. It is crucial for the leaders to provide compelling direction which can help the members of the team achieve the team and organizational objectives.
Compelling direction can consist of transformational leadership; also known as person focused leadership behavior, as well as compelling direction should be good enough to initiate the structure which is task-focused leadership.
In this regard, it is important to look at the difference between the two types of the leadership behavior. Task leadership behavior or management style focuses on the accomplishment of the task on time and an accurate manner. Task-focused leaders formulate the schedules with easy-to-reach objectives which can help team members to work more effectively.
On the other hand, person-focused leadership is mainly concerned with the creating better and enhanced environment which motivates and empowers employees. The recent research conducted by Deloitte identified different types of team styles that should be followed by the leaders to ensure the efficiency of the teamwork. The first style is known as pioneers. Pioneers are the type of teams who have strong conceptual skills, and they often try to see the big picture of the situation.
Moreover, they are open to take risks and always strive to achieve the goals and objectives by going beyond the expected boundaries. Also, pioneers are always open for innovations, and they try to find creative ways of solving existing problems.
Another style is guardians, which is also popular among teams. Unlike pioneers, guardians always value stability, and they are less prone to change. The further style is known as drivers, a literature review on customer satisfaction, drivers are quite fast and look forward to facing challenges. They try to solve the emerging problems as soon as possible based on the available data and resources. The integrators are another style followed alongside three team styles mentioned above. They value relationships more, a literature review on customer satisfaction, and they think that teams can achieve success only by working together.
Thus, it is believed that teams that follow above-mentioned styles enjoy different advantages, such as innovativeness, increased communication between team members and quick access to decision making. According to the classification of team styles, the research aimed to define the influence of various factors which may trigger the motivation of team members in the workplace.
Leadership a literature review on customer satisfaction considered as a widely discussed topic in the literature. Leadership is considered as a way person uses to lead the other people. Employees play a critical role in ensuring the quality of service. When employees are clear about their expectations and requirements, they are more likely to perform better.
Although leaders are responsible for the proper task and job allocation, different leadership styles have several approaches how tasks are being allocated. Leaders are claimed to have a positive impact on the efficiency of the organization by influencing the team members. Particularly, leaders considerably influence its followers in the organization. Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of leadership styles such as transactional and transformational to a literature review on customer satisfaction their impact on resolving different organizational problems.
At present, numerous organizations stress on formulating the team and workflow to increase the efficiency of the performance in the organization. To achieve this, the role of the leaders is of high importance in the organization. Formulation of high performing teams can be accomplished by learning the expectations and references of team members. Furthermore, every member of the organization should have clear responsibilities, duties and need to understand their role in this entity, a literature review on customer satisfaction.
In short, expectations of top-level managers should be identified and communicated properly to employees and subordinates Van et al. Generally, in transactional leadership, the system based on rewards is used to motivate the followers.
Though, the motivation given through such approach does not last long. Turning to transformational leadership, this style serves to improve the collaboration among organization members Keegan et al. Transformational leaders let their followers feel as the part of the organization. Such leaders have a strong inspirational vision to encourage the employees of the organization care about the company goals than their own goals and interests. Such leaders are believed to a literature review on customer satisfaction enthusiastic and energetic.
Conversely, the laissez-faire leaders provide a good environment to subordinates as well as empower them to take decisions themselves. As the subordinates have full authority on making decisions, laissez-faire leaders do not usually give feedback on the accomplished tasks.
From the behavioral perspective, the number of studies that have analyzed the role of leadership in team context has increased. According to Fleishman et al. A literature review on customer satisfaction to Fleishman, there are two common classifications of the team behavior which includes person-focused and task-focused. Task-focused behavior is mainly concerned with the definition of task requirements, the process of the task completion and complete fulfillment of the given task.
Unlike task-focused behavior, person-focused behavior focuses on the development of the cognitive issues in individuals and behavioral patterns in individuals before they start working as a team.
The literature suggests that there are three main categories of the task-focused leadership that should be studied including transactional, initiating structure and boundary spanning. Transactional leaders always praise and reward their subordinates when they meet and exceed the required job expectations. In other words, the task-focused behavior is focused and formulated on the basis of goal setting theory, equity theory and reinforcement theory as accomplishing a literature review on customer satisfaction and completing tasks constitute the idea behind these theories.
The literature suggests that transactional leadership based on contingent reward positively contributes to the team development and team effectiveness. The research conducted on identifying main factors which lead to the success of transactional leadership revealed that team members who are under the influence of transactional leader are more likely to have a literature review on customer satisfaction strong relationship among member despite the small team size.
Peter Drucker mentioned that leadership is not created, taught and learned. Thus, a great amount of attention was dedicated to understanding the number of characteristics that are found in leaders. According to the trait theory of leadership, there have been some important studies, which aimed to provide more valid results to describe the specific traits of leaders that can be learned and taught.
According to the research by Locke drive, self-confidence, cognitive ability, honesty, and integrity are considered to be the most commonly observed traits of successful leaders. Recently, knowledge of context and desire to lead were added to the list of successful leadership traits.
These traits include extroversion, emotional stability, readiness to accept challenges, agreeableness, and openness to experience. Boyett mentioned the role of leaders is crucial in gaining the trust of their subordinates and stimulate a literature review on customer satisfaction commitment towards the successful fulfillment of the undertaken project. Boyett described the influence of leaders in the following manner. Firstly, the leaders should have idealized influence, in other words, they have to be charismatic, a literature review on customer satisfaction.
Leaders can execute the confidence and competence. Secondly, leaders should be able to inspire their followers; this is mainly attributed to their role of inspirational motivation. It is important for the leaders to be able to take each separately while dealing with them. Each person is different from the others regarding their characteristics; needs, wants and attitude towards specific tasks.
Therefore, leaders should have the individual consideration to each team member. Another important trait of a leader is described as intellectual stimulation. Precisely, it is important for the leaders to be intellectually stimulating.
Leaders have to able to question everything starting from simple assumptions to status quo. Providing rewards to employees is considered as another important characteristic of transformational leaders. Leaders are expected to set the clear objectives for their subordinates.
Upon the accomplishment of these objectives, the followers should be rewarded accordingly. The study conducted by Keegan et al. Aggregate leadership dimensions, in turn, include guiding, involving, role specifying and organizing teamwork. Over the years, organizations are stressing on the team-building to increase their production processes, to service their customers, and to learn and grow in the long run Cohen and Bailey, ; Osterman, Effective teams, or teamwork, may facilitate flexible work arrangements and complex task accomplishment, as well as act as a source of dynamic capability that ensures long-term organizational effectiveness Teece at al.
To date, management scholars have extensively investigated teams as both production units and social systems see Ilgen et al. Team-based work systems, by enhancing connections and collaborations among people and different units, can serve as a functional structure that facilitates collective knowledge creation and utilization Mohrman et al.
How To Measure Customer Satisfaction And Loyalty
, time: 7:59OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – The WritePass Journal : The WritePass Journal
satisfaction, should ensure that monitoring of customer satisfaction is ongoing and continuous Summary There are a lot of methods for measuring customer satisfaction, but t he same satisfaction is This paper is based on extensive literature review and attempts to investigate how the concepts and determinants of customer satisfaction has changed significantly during the transition from It covers customer satisfaction concepts, theories and models, service quality concepts and models and customer behavioural intentions referral concepts and models. Definition of Service Services are deeds, performances and processes provided or coproduced by one entity or person for and with another entity or person (Zeithaml et al, )
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